Purchasing a house is likely the largest transaction you will ever undertake. It is essential that you perform your due diligence prior to investing in a property to ensure a smooth transaction. CHOOSE A LENDER. Do your research. Find an institution that you can trust and a Lender to whom you are comfortable disclosing financial […]
4 Essential Steps: Getting Started in Real Estate Investing
All investments come with some risk. Before you dive into real estate investing make sure you are set up for success. Review these four essential steps: Reach out to professionals Contact a real estate agent or a property management company to learn more about available properties and potential rental income. Westwinds can help with both […]
Tips That All Renters Should Know: Emergencies vs. Non-Emergencies
During your time as a renter, you may come across some leaky pipes, clogged sinks, or lockouts. While these can be inconvenient, they may not be an emergency. Emergencies that cause large, immediate damage should include a call to maintenance and sometimes even a call to 911. What qualifies as an emergency? Fire If a […]
Entire Home Transformation
It is fun to see a house completely transform! Here is Westwinds Real Estate’s latest house renovation, spearheaded by expert Project Manager, Mike Hoogerwerf. Check out these before and after pictures! Before After Fresh exterior paint and a new garage door gives this house a much needed facelift! Fresh interior paint and trim throughout and […]
Prevent Grill-Related Fires
July is the peak month for grill fires, and Westwinds wants you to stay safe while you enjoy cooking outdoors! The potential for fire increases when precautions are not taken while using grills and deep fryers, especially in multi-family dwellings. Outdoor grills are involved in more than 8,900 home fires per year. Just 2 weeks […]
We’re Moving!
To accommodate our growing customer base we are excited to announce that our office will be relocating to 316 E. Court Street, Iowa City, IA 52240 as of Monday, September 26, 2016. Our office phone number will remain (319) 354-3792. Metered, on-street parking is available on E. Court Street and S. Linn Street. The S. […]